NGS library preparation

DNA fragment library preparation kits
Our Illumina-compatible DNA fragment library preparation kits improve library efficiency resulting in highly complex libraries, while our sbeadex™ sequencing application beads (SAB) offer consistent, cost effective library clean-up and size selection.
Explore our range of NxSeq™ DNA library kits and discover how they can give you the library your work demands.

Single-cell RNA sequencing beads
Our NxSeq beads for Drop-seq single-cell mRNA sequencing methods and instruments offer consistent lot to lot performance and long UMIs for your demanding single-cell experiments.
Get all the details on our high quality NxSeq Beads.
Enzymes for DNA and RNA library preparation
Our enzymes designed for DNA and RNA library preparation are manufactured under an ISO 13485 accredited quality manufacturing system. They provide a cost-effective way of driving high quality library preparation that enhances next generation sequencing accuracy and uniformity.
Explore our range of enzymes for DNA and RNA library preparation and find out how they meet your library preparation needs.
- NxGen T4 DNA Ligase
- T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (PNK)
- Circligase™ ssDNA Ligase
- Circligase II ssDNA Ligase
- NxGen M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase
- EpiScript™ RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase
- T4 RNA Ligase 2, Deletion Mutant
See our range of enzymes available in bulk
View a complete list of our all our catalogue enzymes

Custom target enrichment kits
Hybridisation-based target enrichment is a powerful method for focusing your sequencing effort and resources on only those regions that interest you.
Explore our custom hybrid capture kits utilising high specificity RNA probes in an affordable, complete kit.