Explore our diverse selection of PCR probes
One of the benefits of working with Biosearch Technologies is our extensive probe technology menu. Try multiple probe types early in assay development and select the type that performs best with your specific application and oligo sequence.
Know what you want? Use the links below.
When what you need isn’t on the menu
We are recognised as one of the few oligo houses able to achieve quality complex synthesis as well as large scale synthesis. Our dedicated experts will work with you to ensure your complex or large scale project is successful–from consultation to optimising design through production, delivery and post-purchase support.
Large-scale options from up to several mmol
Maintaining accuracy and quality can be challenge when moving from small-scale to large-scale oligo synthesis. Simply scaling up small-scale synthesis is not the answer. Working with Biosearch Technologies gives you access to large-scale expertise and equipment. You can rely on us to deliver high quality, bespoke oligos from small-scale RUO needs through the demands of commercial production.

Expedite complex oligos, large-scale synthesis and special requests by using the Excel oligo order forms.

Follow instructions within the order form

Enter custom delivery amounts and formulations in the Notes column

Submit your order via the process detailed in the form
For technical assistance and support ordering complex oligos,
please contact technical support.
Looking for ISO 13485-compliant oligos?
Learn moreFind the right dye to maximise results using the spectral overlay tool.
Learn moreAdditional support tools

How to order oligos
Option 1: online order tool
Convenient for small numbers of oligos and standard amounts synthesized up to 1 μmol (≤ 400 nmol delivered for primers and ≤ 80 nmol delivered for probes). Use option 2 for LNA oligos.

- Navigate to the appropriate product page.
- Access the online ordering tool for the probe type via the "Order now" tab on the product page.
- Enter your oligos in the ordering tool.
- Click "Add to cart."
- Check out to complete the purchase or request a quote.
Option 2: excel order form
Best for ordering many oligos and/or large amounts ( > 1 μmol scale) and LNA oligos.

For LNA oligos
- Visit the LNA Probes product page to download one of four excel order forms for LNA oligos in a single tube or as a ValuMix assay.
- Follow the directions on the order form to complete your order.
For all other probe types, including custom oligos and ValuMix assays
- Download the Excel spreadsheet that best matches your requirements from the order template library.
- Follow the directions on the template page to complete your order.