KASP genotyping reagents
Make data-informed breeding decisions faster with our proprietary KASP PCR-based genotyping assay.
Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP™) assays enable accurate, bi-allelic discrimination of SNPs and indels. Unmatched quality, reliability and credibility have established KASP as a foundational SNP genotyping chemistry for agrigenomics.
- Accurate: KASP has been independently verified to achieve a 99.8% call rate across many DNA extraction techniques, GC/AT-rich templates and plant species.
- Cost effective: KASP does not require expensive labelled assay-specific primers or probes, is compatible with crude DNA extraction methods and uses low reaction volumes.
- Flexible assay design: Our experts will identify the best mix of three non-labelled primers for your SNP, indel or mega indel.
- Open plate reading format: The signal can be read on most FRET-capable plate readers and qPCR instruments. We have downloadable step-by-step protocols for running KASP assays on a wide range of commonly used qPCR instruments.

Getting started with KASP in your lab
Start with an evaluation:
- Request a free trial kit.
- Run the trial kit in your lab with guidance from our technical support team.
- Contact the KASP Assays team to initiate custom primer design.

KASP-TF Master Mixes: Perfected in our labs, perfect for yours
KASP-TF Master Mix is universal to every KASP genotyping assay and is offered in a range of standard packaging sizes to address varying throughput needs. Current KASP users can order more KASP-TF Master Mix online. If you're new to KASP, request a trial kit to get started.
KASP resources
- How to submit sequences
- Sequence submission form
- KASP genotyping protocols for qPCR instruments
- KASP reagents guidance notes to support running KASP genotyping assays in your lab
- KASP assay design - anchoring
- End-point genotyping manual compilation
- KASP trial kit manual
- KASP genotyping manual
- DNA requirements for genotyping services
Learn more about applications of KASP genotyping technology.
- Explore the vast applications of KASP genotyping for plant breeding programmes
- Optimise sample collection for aquaculture genotyping
- Increasing resistance to aquaculture disease
- Large-scale genotyping in strawberry genomic selection
- KASP technology accelerates rice improvement in South Asia
- Sustainable pathway for rice growers to meet region demands