KASP primer design and validation
KASP™ has been a go-to choice for genotyping assays by top agriculture breeding programmes worldwide for more than 21 years. KASP is easy to use. Simply add your SNP-specific KASP assay targeting primers (KASP Assay Mix) and the universal KASP-TF Master Mix to your DNA samples then run a thermal cycling program and measure the end-point fluorescence.
If you are new to KASP, start with a free trial kit and get your questions answered by our experts. Once you’ve decided that KASP is a good fit for your application, it’s time to determine how you’d like to leverage our expertise.
- Primer design: We use our proprietary software to select target-specific primers and send you a custom KASP Assay Mix.
- Primer design with validation: In addition to primer selection, our experts can fully wet-lab validate and optimise your assay and send you a fully optimised custom KASP Assay Mix.
- Pre-designed assay libraries: Choose from thousands of pre-validated genotyping assays for several plant and animal species. Learn more.

What is the KASP assay mix?
After you send us your sequence, our in-house experts will use our proprietary software to identify the best mix of three assay-specific non-labelled oligos for your SNP, indel or mega indel:
- Two allele-specific forward primers
- One common reverse primer
Aliquots of your KASP Assay Mix are provided in 2D barcoded tubes in sufficient quantities to enable:
- 2,500 reactions at 10 µL total reaction volumes (96-well PCR plates)
- 5,000 reactions at 5 µL total reaction volumes (384-well PCR plates)
Start your KASP journey today by requesting a quote for KASP primer design with optional wet-lab services.

KASP resources
- How to submit sequences
- Sequence submission form
- KASP genotyping protocols for qPCR instruments
- KASP reagents guidance notes to support running KASP genotyping assays in your lab
- KASP assay design - anchoring
- End-point genotyping manual compilation
- KASP trial kit manual
- KASP genotyping manual
- DNA requirements for genotyping services
Learn more about applications of KASP genotyping technology.
- Explore the vast applications of KASP genotyping for plant breeding programmes
- Optimise sample collection for aquaculture genotyping
- Increasing resistance to aquaculture disease
- Large-scale genotyping in strawberry genomic selection
- KASP technology accelerates rice improvement in South Asia
- Sustainable pathway for rice growers to meet region demands