RNA FISH for mouse

Frozen Mouse Brain Olig2 mRNA

Frozen mouse brain
Olig2 mRNA

About 25% of publications citing Stellaris™ RNA FISH use mouse targets, making this the second most common target after humans. A huge variety of mouse cell types and tissues have been used with Stellaris RNA FISH probe sets and published successfully by our customers including the brain, embryo, retina, lungs, liver, placenta, ovary, eggs and sperm, intestines, and nerves. Stellaris has also been demonstrated to be compatible with the tissue clearing technology CLARITY, making it possible to probe and image RNA transcripts in an entire intact organ. If none of the professionally-designed sets meet your needs, you can always custom design one using our online designer.

Specific mouse resources

Positive control probe sets:

We have positive control ShipReady probe sets for mouse targets ranging from a qualitative Gapdh controls to quantitative spot counting controls like Trfc. ShipReady assays are offered at a fraction of the price of custom or DesignReady probe sets, target constitutively active genes, and should work with almost all mouse samples. We verify these probe sets on cells and/or tissues in house and provide images on the product information sheet of their staining patterns. To view the complete control collection and use our interactive selection guide, click below.

Professionally-designed mouse-specific probe sets include:

Mki67 Gfap Halr1 Erbb2
Cx3cr1 Itpr2 Nos2 Tug1
Dazl Map2 Olig2 Nanog
Dscam Gata1 and 3 Ptch1 Sox1
Fos Notch1 Tubb3 Necab1 and 2
Foxp2 Nes Pou5f1 Tbr1
Foxp2 NES Pou5f1 Tbr1
GAD1 and 2 Neurog1 H19 Wnt5a
Mouse Brain
Plp1 mRNA labeled with Stellaris RNA FISH probes DAPI and imaged with Stellarvision

Mouse brain
Plp1 mRNA labeled with Stellaris RNA FISH probes (green), DAPI (red) and imaged with Stellarvision
For more information on the Stellarvision imaging platform, email Optical Biosystems.

Mouse embryonic stem cells

Mouse embryonic stem cells
Nanog (red), Oct4 (green), Sox2 (yellow)
Courtesy of: Ana Guedes

Mouse-specific support materials:


  1. Alternative adherent cell protocol
  2. Protocol for fresh frozen mouse brain tissue


Image gallery: Customer Submitted Images of Stellaris RNA FISH in mouse cells and tissues

Technical Support: If required, contact techsupport@biosearchtech.com for assistance with this application

Publication highlights

Highlighted neuroscience publications citing Stellaris RNA FISH probe sets.
Over 33% of publications citing Stellaris RNA FISH publish in Cell, Nature, or Science

Simultaneous RNA FISH and immunofluorescence

Image of simultaneous RNA FISH and immunofluorescence assay. eGFP RNA molecules (red), protein marker GFP (green), DAPI (blue) in mouse E13 primary DRG neuron culture cells (submitted by Adi Minis).